Carnet de VoyageEuropeGermany

Landshuter Hochzeit 1475 – Hallooooo!

After crossing the city gate, I was transported as if by magic to the Bavaria of 1475, immersed in the colors of the beautiful Landshut. Duke Georg of Bavaria-Landshut marries Princess Hedwig Jagiellon, daughter of the King of Poland. Three weeks of jousting, music and dancing to welcome the bride and celebrate the union.

The bells of St. Martin’s church ring in celebration, while flags and banners fly from the windows of the houses in the historic center (Altstadt). In the background, Trausnitz Castle (Burg Trausnitz) dominates the city, with its white walls.

The crowd cheers repeating: “Himmel Landshut, Tausend Landshut! Landshut Halloooo!”

I take a wreath of flowers, while flag-wavers and jugglers enchant passers-by. A group of musicians sing the song “Wol Auff Wir Wellen Slauffen”. I join the crowd to witness the procession and the arrival of Princess Hedwig, who waves from a beautiful carriage pulled by horses with spotted coats.

This extraordinary event is organized by the association Die Förderer since 1902, and in 2018 it was included in the Nationwide Inventory of Intangible Cultural Heritage (Bundesweites Verzeichnis des Immateriellen Kulturerbes).

Curious fact | Attention to detail is essential in order to offer a historically accurate portrayal: to perform in the event, one is required, in addition to being an associate and resident near Landshut, to let hair grow in perfect medieval style. ❤️

When | Landshuter Hochzeit 1475 takes place every 4 years (website).

Photographs, illustrations and videos © by Arianna M. Romano

Sources: Wikipedia, Unesco, “Die Förderer” e.V. Landshut |

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